SYD Pro Account
Upgrade to SYD PRO to unlock more features.
Expanded Challenges Up to 10 Participants
Organize larger group challenges with up to 10 participants, perfect for community building and greater engagement
Access Premium Tokens to Lock in Pledge
Lock in your pledge using a wider variety of exclusive tokens available only to Pro account holders
Flexible Check-in Periods
Gain the flexibility to set check-in periods longer than one day, allowing for more tailored and adaptable challenge timelines
Value Redistribute Among Participants
Choose to redistribute the non-completion stakes among participants, fostering a sense of fairness and shared responsibility
Transfer Lost Value to a Specified Address
Have the option to send the non-completion lost value to another external address of your choice, offering more control over the outcome
Pay Less in Commission
Enjoy reduced platform commission fees, making every challenge more rewarding
Earn Twice as Much
Receive double the SYD tokens for every challenge completed, multiplying your gains and enhancing your motivation.